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Webinar: EU grants for news media collaboration

DG CONNECT and EACEA are organising a webinar targeting the news media industry and stakeholders to explain the different funding opportunities that the European Commission offers to the sector.

Under the title ‘EU grants for news media collaboration’, the webinar will take place on 5 July from 3 to 5pm (CEST). It aims at providing guidance to potential applicants about the recently published call on Journalism Partnerships under Creative Europe and other ongoing multimedia calls.


  • 15h00 ­- Introduction
  • 15h15 - Journalism Partnerships under Creative Europe, followed by Q&A
  • 16h15 - Other opportunities for news media
  • 17h - End

Meeting link:…
Meeting number: 175 595 1240
Password: uYxEpEM73@8 (89937367 from phones)

Slides as well as a recording of the webinar will be available here.