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Play your part and enjoy Safer Internet Day on 9 February 2016

Safer Internet Day (SID) is the flagship event under the Better Internet for Kids strategy. What started as a European event under the EC Safer Internet Programme has turned to a huge International event that in 2015 reached more than 28 million people in Europe and 60 million worldwide.
One out of three internet users are children!

European Commission

The picture shows the logo of Safer Internet Day February 9, 2016. It is a smartphone with happy face.

From cyberbullying to social networking, each year Safer Internet Day aims to raise awareness of emerging online issues and chooses a topic reflecting current concerns. Thousands of exciting events and activities take place in all European countries and worldwide– with more than 100 countries taking part. The aim is to gather children, students, teachers, parents, policy makers, decision takers to engage, raise awareness and help to make internet not only safe but also a better environment to be in.

For SID 2016, the focus of the day is "Play your part for a better internet", reflecting the fact that we all have a role to play. How can YOU play your part?

You can support the day by joining in the thunderclap campaign.

If you are active on twitter you can use a “special” badge – check here how to create your badge

Safer Internet Day on Twitter

When tweeting use these hashtags - #SID2016, #Iplaymypart and #playyourpart

To discover resources on online safety and more information about the network of European Safer Internet Centres visit the Better Internet for Kids portal.

To find out what is happening in your country check the Safer Internet Day website

Video on SID 2016:

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Safer Internet Day 2016 infographic