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  • Publicação 02 Dezembro 2020

Seventh meeting of the Web Accessibility Expert Group

The 7th WADEX meeting was initially foreseen on 19 March 2020 in Brussels. Due to the Coronavirus outbreak and the impossibility to travel, the agenda was split into a series of webinars taking place every 2 weeks between 28 April and 14 July 2020. This page includes a summary of the webinars and lists all relevant documents.

Words "Online meetings" over a keyboard

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The 7th WADEX meeting was initially foreseen on 19 March 2020 in Brussels. Due to the Coronavirus outbreak and the impossibility to travel, the agenda was split into a series of webinars taking place every two weeks base between 28 April and 14 July 2020. This page includes a summary of the webinars and lists all relevant documents.

Please find below the initial agenda, the replacing calendar of webinars, the minutes of each session and the relevant material (presentations, links, and documents).

Agenda 19 March 2020

Calendar of webinars 22 April – 14 July 2020

Minutes of the webinars - short version.

The recordings of the 6 sessions are available in Futurium (for WADEX members only). 

Webinar n. 1 - "Web Accessibility by default – Can authoring tools do the job?" 28/4/2020

On 28 April 2020, the European Commission organised a webinar with representatives of the bodies in charge of the application of Web Accessibility Directive in the EU and EFTA countries. The speaker, from Funka, presented the main outcomes of the WE4AUTHORS project. The presentation was followed by a “Q&A session”.

Webinar n. 2 - "ICT accessibility competences: guidelines for a more inclusive ICT" - 12/05/2020

On 12 May 2020, the European Commission organised a webinar with representatives of the bodies in charge of the application of Web Accessibility Directive in the EU and EFTA countries. The speaker, from AGID (Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale), vice-chair of CEN/TC 428, presented the activities developed under CEN/TC 428 to create the Web Accessibility Expert professional profile. The presentation was followed by a “Q&A session”.

Webinar n. 3: "Monitoring and reporting Tool for the simplified method in Spain" - 26/05/2020

On 26 May 2020, the European Commission organised a webinar with representatives of the bodies in charge of the application of Web Accessibility Directive in the EU and EFTA countries. The speaker, from the Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, presented the main principles and features of the “Web Observatory Tracking Tool”. The presentation was followed by a “Q&A session”.

Webinar n. 4 - "Digital Accessibility: between necessity and opportunity" - 09/06/2020

On 9 June 2020, the European Commission organised a webinar with representatives of the bodies in charge of the application of Web Accessibility Directive in the EU and EFTA countries. The speakers, from the French Digital Council, presented the report on ‘Digital Accessibility: between necessity and opportunity’, published in February 2020. The presentation was followed by a “Q&A session”.

Webinar n. 5 - "Austria´s way of dealing with the federal system: consistent sampling and reporting" - 24/06/2020

On 24 June 2020, the European Commission organised a webinar with representatives of the bodies in charge of the application of Web Accessibility Directive in the EU and EFTA countries.  The speaker, from the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), presented an insight in how Austria is collecting representative samples and how Austria can guarantee a uniform report format. The presentations was followed by a “Q&A session”.

Webinar n. 6 "Preparing the review of the Web Accessibility Directive" - 14/07/2020

On 14 July 2020, the European Commission organised the last webinar with representatives of the bodies in charge of the application of Web Accessibility Directive in the EU and EFTA countries. The speaker, from the European Commission (Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology - Unit G3), provided an overview of the elements, the process and the indicative timeline for the review of the Web Accessibility Directive, as foreseen under Art.13 of the Directive, highlighting how Member States can support the process. The speaker also announced an online conference on 23 September 2020, jointly organised with the European Disability Forum to mark the deadline under the Web Accessibility Directive by which all public sector websites across Europe have to be accessible for persons with disabilities.   


DG CNECT - Unit G3 - Accessibilty, Multilinguism and Safer Internet