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  • Publicação 20 Outubro 2014

FIWARE Smart Society Challenge winners

A week of coding, litres of coffee, too many pizzas and not enough sleep, but we have the winners. The projects Cares, My people care, Outbarriers, Being in Touch and Sixcampus received the prizes in the FIWARE Smart Society Challenge in Seville, Spain.

During the FIWARE Multi-Site Event, the prizes of the Smart Society Challenge have been awarded. The Challenge focused on the development of the most innovative applications for societal purposes, for instance apps for education, health care or social inclusion.

In Seville, the jury valued the work of 18 teams, which have received training and have collaborated with FIWARE architects to improve their prototypes during the whole week.

The winners:

First Prize: Cares (Mexico)

Based on the motto "Intelligent Health when we want, when we need it and wherever". Thanks to sensors and information stored in the cloud, this system gives much more secure and personalized medical attention. It monitors users through indoor and outdoor sensors to give the doctors and the people concerned feedback in real-time. The main goal is to reduce operating costs, improve management of large volumes of data and establish a structure of private security in information management. These advantages can benefit both governments, healthcare organizations and citizens.


Second Prize: My people care (Ireland)

My People Care is a platform for people being cared for (e.g. an elderly parent, a sick child, an incapacitated adult) in their own home: it allows them and their non-professional caretakers (e.g. a daughter, a son, a neighbor) and professional caretakers (e.g. visiting nurse, a doctor) to pass on information to each other in the most efficient way.

Third Prize: Outbarriers (Spain)

A word-wide map of beacons can help the blind to live a better life. Beacons are revolutionary not because of the idea (there are a lot of similar technologies, such as Wifi, GPS, NFC, standard Bluetooth); but because it is really easy and cheap to integrate and set-up a beacon. Registering a new beacon with the right message and location is very fast, beacon proximity technologies are more accurate than Wifi or GPS, and the best of all is the low consumption. We can sell a work fence with a beacon with a battery life of 5 or more years. If you add solar energy the lifetime could be even longer.


Special Mention, most innovative application: Being in Touch (BiT) (Spain)

The BiT application aims to provide a platform to enhance communication between parents and teachers. Teachers will send notifications about the students to parents: grades, comments on performance, assistance, discipline and special activities amongst others. The application will also help parents and students to organize the students’ agenda by displaying a
calendar with all the activities to do (e.g. exams, homework, excursions…).


Special Mention, young developers: Sixcampus (Spain)

Sixcampus aims to be the platform of choice for students when it comes to learning and studying online. It empowers students with a toolset that no other platform can offer: cloud based file sharing (for class notes), Q&A between users on every item and Khan/MOOC-like video sharing in order to understand concepts. The goal is to offer each and every school a study group that meets their career requirements and expectations, providing also the chance of joining other existing communities that might meet their interests (robotics, learning languages…).


And last but not least, all the participants in the Smart Society Challenge finals: