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Promotion of European works in practice

The present document provides a summary of different national approaches regarding the promotion of European works in on-demand services. It gives an overview of national legislative frameworks to promote European works on Video on Demand (VoD), building on Article 13 of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive.

  • The summary resumes input and views from regulators, Member States and industry.
  • It gives an overview of national legislative frameworks to promote European works on Video on Demand (VoD), building on Article 13 of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive. The summary resumes input and views from regulators, Member States and industry.
  • Member States can learn from each other's best practices and tools in this field. European VoD services are still at a relatively early stage of development. They are a new opportunity for many European films to reach a broader audience, also across borders. The Commission wants to encourage the development of measures and instruments that could help European films to take advantage of this opportunity without hampering the development of VoD.
  • The summary shows that Member States have taken very diverse approaches ranging from very extensive and detailed measures to a mere reference to the general obligation to promote European works in their national legislation.
  • Some of the tools adopted by Member States seem to be particularly effective in practice: for example, prominence tools giving more visibility and publicity to European films seem to be efficient and put a less heavy burden on VoD operators. Input received shows that tools of this nature are the least intrusive instrument, while if well implemented, can deliver good results.
  • Input on this topic and on other themes addressed in the Green Paper will  feed into the upcoming review of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive. A REFIT exercise is planned for 2015 to assess whether the Directive is still fit for its purpose.


Promotion of European works in practice