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Shaping Europe’s digital future
  • Publikace 17 Červenec 2020

White Paper on Artificial Intelligence: Public consultation towards a European approach for excellence and trust

From 19 February to 14 June 2020, citizens and stakeholders provided their views on the upcoming policy and regulatory steps on artificial intelligence.

Aiming to promote the uptake of artificial intelligence (AI) while at the same time, addressing the risks associated with its use, the European Commission has proposed a White Paper (.pdf) with policy and regulatory options “towards an ecosystem for excellence and trust”. This document was published on 19 February 2020, along with an online survey (.pdf), focusing on three distinct topics:

  1. Specific actions for the support, development and uptake of AI across the EU economy and public administration;
  2. Options for a future regulatory framework on AI;
  3. Safety and liability aspects on AI (as outlined in the relevant report)

Download the Consultation’s Final Report

Download Full Consultation Feedback

Next steps

This online consultation is part of a broader stakeholder consultation process that will contribute to the preparation of various regulatory options. Following an in depth analysis of the consultation results as well as a detailed impact assessment, a regulatory proposal will be presented.


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