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Shaping Europe’s digital future

Greece 2024 Digital Decade Country Report

Greece's performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives.

logo of Greece in the 2024 Digital Decade


In 2023, Greece made notable progress in rolling out Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) connectivity infrastructure. However, important challenges persist in the share of ICT specialists in employment. Although Greek SME’s need to progress in the take-up of a basic level of digital intensity, Greece has advanced well in digitalising public services. 


Two main strengths or areas of progress 

Connectivity infrastructure

Although Greece lags behind on the deployment of fibre networks to provide gigabit connectivity for all, the National Broadband Plan 2021-2027 is starting to bear fruit, achieving a 10-percentage point increase in VHCN/FTTP coverage over the past year. Current market trends, with new fibre operators, will also contribute to reinforce this positive trend over the coming years.

Digitalisation of public services

On the digitalisation of public services for businesses, with a score of 86.2, Greece performs above the EU average (85.4), representing a recent annual growth of 17.5%. On digital public services for citizens, although Greece performs slightly below the EU average (75.9 against an EU average of 79.4), it also records a recent annual growth of 17.5%.


Two main weaknesses or areas to improve

Digitalisation of SMEs

Greek SMEs have a relatively moderate level of innovation and a low level of digital maturity. In 2023, only 43.3% of SMEs had at least a basic level of digital intensity, below the EU average (57.7%). Businesses in Greece also have a low level of take up of advanced technologies, with 33.5% of enterprises having adopted AI, cloud or data analytics in 2023, below the EU average of 54.6%. The dynamic start-up ecosystem, however, remains a positive sign of a digital ecosystem in development.


Digital skills and ICT specialists

Greece has not yet met the challenge of training its population in the level of digital skills needed, despite several recent measures, investments and reforms. In 2023, only 52.4% of the population had at least basic digital skills (EU average 55.5%), indicating no progress since the previous data collection in 2021. The number of ICT specialists in terms of the share of employment is 2.4%, far below the EU average (4.8%), despite the increasing demand.


Greece 's Key Performance Indicators




Greece’s Digital Decade strategic roadmap


The Greek roadmap demonstrates that the country plans a significant effort to achieve the Digital Decade objectives and targets. It sets targets for all the 14 key performance indicators (KPIs) and in some of the cases, targets are aligned with the EU 2030 ambitions, while some are lower, such as for targets measuring the take-up of advanced technologies by enterprises. To achieve its digital transformation, Greece plans to allocate a total budget (excluding private investments) estimated at EUR 5.1 billion (2.3% GDP).





Digital rights and principles

The Special Eurobarometer 'Digital Decade 2024' provides insight into perception of digital rights. It indicates that only 33% of the respondents in Greece believe that the EU protects their digital rights well (+1% compared to 2023), significantly below the EU average of 47%. Concerns are escalating, with 62% worried about children's online safety (+2%) and 51% about control over personal data. Overall, Greek respondents seem to be more worried about their digital rights and principles than the EU average. These findings underscore the need to reinforce digital rights at national level. On a positive note, 85% of respondents value digital technologies for connecting with friends and family, which is above the EU average of 83%.




Country-Specific Recommendations


Greece must improve its performance towards the Digital Decade targets and objectives, to foster competitiveness, resilience, sovereignty, and promote European values and climate action.


Connectivity infrastructure

Monitor the progress on the gigabit coverage to identify any remaining investment gaps to reach the target for 2030.  

Digitalisation of SMEs

Consider reinforcing the framework conditions to enable less digitally mature SMEs to adopt digital transition; and all enterprises to benefit from the data economy by adopting advanced technology (AI, cloud, data analytics) and gaining competitive advantage. 


Digital skills

Review and consider whether additional targeted measures to train the population are sufficient to reach the target, boost the resilience of the economy and society and achieve inclusive growth. Reinforce the strategy and the measures to increase the share of ICT specialists in employment and retain the best talents.




For more information and the full list of recommendations, please consult the report


More on the Digital Decade Report 2024