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Shaping Europe’s digital future
Call for proposals | Publication

Art and the digital: Unleashing creativity for European industry, regions and society

The goal of this call for proposals - in the spirit of the STARTS program - is to enable crossovers between technology/economy and the arts in regional development by supporting the creation of regional STARTS centres as catalysts of such crossovers. Synergies between art and technology shall help in regional development on a social, ecological and economic level by boosting creativity in industry and business.

09-09-2022: extension of call deadline to 28-09-2022

25-08-2022: UPDATED CALL TEXT!

Changes made: (1) Clarification on eligiblity of  'profit-making entities',  (2) Extension of deadline to september 22nd.

 ‘Regional STARTS centres’ shall form the core of a movement towards an art-inspired European approach to innovation. They will become catalysts of concrete collaborations of artists with regional stakeholders via artistic experimentation. Such centres can be physical spaces or coordinated regional activities. A core activity of the projects will be financial  support of artists in STARTS residencies.

This call for proposal will close on 28-09-2022. Please read carefully the attached 'call for proposals' text which explains the goals and the constriants for this call.

The attached Frequently Asked Questions  -FAQ - will be regularly updated based on questions received. Please note that there is also the possiblity to ask to have a description of your organisation in this FAQ document in order to help you find a suitable consortium.

Fill out all the necessary documents as explained in section 11 of call text: documents D1-D6 in attached need all to be filled out and submitted with  the application, failure to do so will lead to rejection of the application. 

Please note that only consortia of four partners from  a minimum of 4 eligible countries  will be eligible (section 6 of call text). Also note that this call is based on co-funding of  the artistic residencies (40% cofunding) and all other costs (25% cofunding); see call text section 6 and 10.

(If reading in another language, select the original in English to consult call documents.)


D1 GAF Part A
D2 GAF Part B
D3 Estimated Budget Table
D4 LEF-Legal Entity Form Private
D4 LEF-Legal Entity Form Public
D5 BAF-Bank Account Form Financial Identifciation
D6 Financial Capacity-BS & P&L checktool with results
O1 DOH Declaration of Honour
O2 MGA Model Grant Agreement
O3 MGA Annex 5- specific rules
O4 MGA Annex 2a - Unit costs and SME owners
O5 BAF and LEF PrivacyStatement
_Call for proposals STARTS regional centers