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Shaping Europe’s digital future
Report / Study | Publication

Digital Decade 2024: International Benchmarking of the Digital Transformation

The International benchmarking study benchmarks the EU against seven countries identified as digitalisation global best performers on the four cardinal points of the Digital Decade.

Digital Decade 2024: International Benchmarking of the Digital Transformation

This study supports the European Commission in reporting on the implementation of the Digital Decade policy programme (DDPP), by assessing the EU’s digital performance in the international context.

The study benchmarks the EU against seven non-EU countries identified as global best performers in digitalisation (Australia, China, Israel, Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States).

Thematically, the study focuses on the four cardinal points of the DDPP: digital skills, digital infrastructure, the digital transformation of businesses, and digital public services. It involves both a quantitative analysis (focusing on digitalisation outcomes) and a qualitative assessment (with an emphasis on digitalisation policy frameworks) of the EU’s position in comparison to these selected benchmark countries.

The study is exploratory in nature. In particular, comparable international statistical data are limited, while the scope of the study is further constrained by the limited collection of primary (qualitative) data.


1- International Benchmarking Final Report
2- International Benchmarking Executive Summary English
3- International Benchmarking Executive Summary French
4- International Benchmarking - Annex I. Final dataset
5- International Benchmarking - Annex II. Policy inventory

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