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Shaping Europe’s digital future
Report / Study | Publication

EU-wide digital Once-Only Principle for citizens and businesses - Policy options and their impacts

The EU wide Once-Only Principle can have a big impact in making life of citizens and businesses easier across the EU and could contribute to Digital Single Market (study reference: SMART 2015/0062).

This report takes stock of current data re-use in national and cross-border interactions with public administrations; explores gaps and barriers affecting prospects for a EU-wide digital Once-Only Principle (OOP); identifies policy objectives and options; and analyses their impacts on key stakeholders under different possible scenarios.

The study provides recommendations to further discussions on EU wide OOP feasibility and gives inputs to ongoing EU wide OOP activities like the TOOP Large-Scale Pilot project focusing on businesses and the H2020 funded SCOOP4C Coordination and Support Action focusing on citizens.

<p>&quot;It is estimated that extending this &#39;once only&#39; approach to the EU level could result in annual net savings of as much as &euro;5 billion per year.&quot; (ref. Study on eGovernment and the reduction of administrative burden: final report / EY, Danish Technology Institute, European Commission, 2014, p. VI.)</p>


Executive Summary - English
Final Report - full with abstract
Résumé - Français