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16 EU-supported films nominated for the 2024 Cannes Film Festival

The 77th edition of the Cannes Film Festival kicked off on 14 May, celebrating European audiovisual content. A total of 16 EU funded works are nominated in seven categories.

16 EU-supported films nominated for the 2024 Cannes Film Festival

Grand Tour by Miguel Gomes (Portugal, Italy, France), All We Imagine as Light by Payal Kapadia (India, France, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy), Limonov - The Ballad by Kirill Serebrennikov (France, Italy, Spain) and The Girl with the Needle (Pigen med nålen) by Magnus von Horn (Denmark, Poland, Sweden) are all in the running for the main Palme d’Or prize.   

The 16 films were supported by the EU through the Creative Europe MEDIA programme and received over €800.000 in funding for development and co-production.

The MEDIA strand of the Creative Europe programme supports the European film and audiovisual industries to develop, distribute and promote European works, and adapt to the digital environment (e.g. training in AI tools and virtual production, adaptation to new business models, introduction of marketing tools, etc.).

The winners will be announced during the awards ceremony taking place on Saturday, 25 May. 

More information on the EU funded nominations and screenings.