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Shaping Europe’s digital future
  • Publication 28 February 2019

First monthly intermediate results of the EU Code of Practice against disinformation

The Commission has received monthly reports from Google, Facebook and Twitter addressing actions taken during January 2019 towards implementation of the commitments on electoral integrity.

These three online platforms are signatories of the Code of Practice against disinformation and the Commission asked them to report monthly on their actions undertaken ahead of the European Parliament elections in May 2019, in particular on the scrutiny of ad placements, political and issue-based advertising and integrity of services.

Broadly, the Commission is encouraged that the Reports provide further information on the policies the platforms have developed to meet these commitments.

Nevertheless, the Commission remains deeply concerned by the platform’s failure to provide specific benchmarks to measure progress, by the lack of detail on the actual results of the measures already taken and lack of detail showing that new policies and tools are deployed timely and with sufficient resources across all EU Member States.

Summary: Code of Practice on Disinformation - Intermediate targeted monitoring - January reports

Full monthly reports

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