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Two media consortia to receive EU support to enrich data-driven news around EU affairs

Following an open Call for Proposals in 2020, two media consortia will receive support to enrich coverage around EU affairs from multiple perspectives. Concretely the support is given for the production and dissemination of information and content, while respecting complete editorial independence. Two consortia (the European Data News Hub and the European Data Journalism Network) will expand existing projects with new partners.

European Data News Hub

News agencies Agence France-Presse (AFP), Deutsche Presse-Agentur (DPA), Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata (ANSA) and Romanian press agency AGERPRES have joined forces again in the European Data News Hub, which now also includes ANP (Netherlands) and Swedish news agency TT.

The project aims to increase the use of data in coverage of European affairs through infographics, video, audio, podcasts and text stories in nine languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Romanian, Hungarian, Dutch and Swedish). With EU support, coverage will be publicly available online, meaning any interested media can integrate these materials into their websites.

The news agencies will also distribute the content through their networks and newswires, reaching a worldwide audience including newspapers, TV and radio stations, websites and international institutions.

Other data journalism specialists and news agencies from across Europe are invited to take part and contribute.

European Data Journalism Network – Data Threads

The European Data Journalism Network (EDJNet) is an independent network of media outlets producing and promoting data-driven coverage of European topics in up to 11 languages. The network was born in 2017 and has grown to 32 partners across the EU.

EDJNet aims to provide news media across Europe with trustworthy and rigorous content and to support journalists in covering European topics through data-driven techniques.

The project includes joint production of articles, videos and investigations, which can be reused by anyone within and outside the network. As of 2021, the network will zoom in on 6 themes (Climate, health, EU infringement procedures, social inequalities and cohesion, migration, digital rights) and work on datasets for these themes.

The network also offers free tools to journalists to search public data portals, to monitor Eurostat data, and to analyse tweets about EU affairs. It produces weekly newsletters, organises webinars and offers a helpdesk for any interested journalist, to build the necessary know-how and exploit the potential of data-driven journalism.

The network is open to additional partners, and associate membership is possible.

Duration and level of funding

The projects will last 2 years and run until 2023. The total amount of EU co-financing is up to EUR 700.000 per project.

Related information

The two projects receive support following an open Call for Proposals launched last year, as part of the EU Multimedia Actions. All grant agreements contain an editorial charter to ensure editorial independence. The Call aimed to support diverse and impartial coverage of news and current affairs about EU affairs, to inform people about topics that are relevant to them and to enrich the debate with multiple views.