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European Alliance for Industrial Data, Edge and Cloud

The European Alliance for Industrial Data, Edge and Cloud aims to foster the development and deployment of next generation edge and cloud technologies.

The Alliance brings together businesses, Member States representatives and relevant experts. It will strengthen the position of EU industry on cloud and edge technologies. It aims to serve the needs of EU businesses and public administrations that process sensitive categories of data, and has the objective to increase Europe’s leadership position on industrial data.

Cloud and edge technologies are strategic innovation enablers for the uptake of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and 5G. They provide the infrastructure for highly innovative use cases. Europe needs to strengthen its position of EU industry on cloud and edge technologies.

Cloud and edge technologies are key enablers for Europe’s digital transformation. The Alliance aims to bring together relevant stakeholders from the private and public sector to jointly define strategic investment roadmaps to enable the next generation of highly secure, distributed, interoperable and resource-efficient computing technologies. In addition, the Alliance will serve as a platform for exchange on issues of cloud governance, for example relating to the public procurement of cloud services.

What is the role of the Alliance?

To achieve the above-mentioned objectives, the Alliance works on the following non-exclusive list of tasks: 

  • bringing relevant actors together to prepare and update horizontal and technology specific investment roadmaps on cloud and edge;
  • providing recommendations to ensure the coherent integration of investments with those foreseen for the deployment of common European data spaces in relevant areas ;
  • advising the Commission on requirements and standards for cloud services, including for public procurement.

The work of the Alliance is facilitated by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT). The operational work is driven by an appointed Steering committee and relevant working groups. Up to date agendas and minutes from both the Industrial Edge & Cloud and the Member States working group are publicly available. For further information, please refer to the Terms of Reference of the Alliance (.pdf).

Who can join and how

Any organisation with activities of significant relevance to the provision of highly secure cloud and data processing can join the Alliance at any time by signing up to the Alliance Declaration (.pdf), providing that the it meets the eligibility criteria as determined in the Terms of Reference (.pdf).

The Alliance will be exclusively open to participation by businesses that have a legal representative established in the European Union. Entities which are subject to control by a third country, acting either directly or by way of measures addressed to a third country entity, will have to submit additional proof of the legal, organisational and technical measures they have taken to ensure full compliance with the EU’s data protection framework.

Alliance members met online for the first official meeting in December 2021. Eligible organisations are welcome to express their interest in joining the Alliance by responding to the continuously open call.


The European Alliance for Industrial Data, Edge and Cloud builds on the European data strategy from 19 February 2020. Its creation was endorsed by the European Council conclusions from 1-2 October 2020 and the Declaration on European Cloud signed by all Member States on 15 October 2020.

The Alliance will contribute to shaping the next generation of secure, low-carbon and interoperable cloud and edge services and infrastructure for Europe as envisaged in the European Data Strategy. It will also contribute to the EU’s digital compass targets for 2030.

To support these ambitions, EU funding for cloud and edge will be made available in the context of programmes like the Digital Europe Programme, Connecting Europe Facility 2 , European Defence Fund, and the Recovery and Resilience Facility channeled through Member States. 


  1. 28 February 2025
  2. 27 June 2024

    4th General Assembly of the Alliance and Alliance Forum

    Handover of the new Telco Cloud Thematic Roadmap to the Commission
  3. 4 July 2023
    First deliverables of the Working Groups and 2nd General Assembly of the Alliance and Alliance Forum
  4. December 2022 - July 2023
    Ongoing Alliance working-level meetings
  5. 1 December 2022
    1st General Assembly of the Alliance and Alliance Forum
  6. January-December 2022
    Ongoing Alliance working-level meetings
  7. 16 December 2021
    First working-level meeting of the Alliance
  8. 7 May 2021
  9. 5 May 2021
    Commission announced the European Alliance for Industrial Data, Edge and Cloud in the updated European industrial strategy
  10. 15 October 2020
    27 EU Member States declare their will to collaborate on building the next generation of cloud in Europe
  11. 19 February 2020
    Publication of the European data strategy

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Big Picture

The European Commission aims to provide European businesses and public authorities with access to secure, sustainable and interoperable cloud infrastructures and services.