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Shaping Europe’s digital future

Foreign policy

As more countries are inspired by the European digital model, European companies have more opportunities to do business, creating more jobs for citizens.

The European Commission cooperates with many countries, international organisations and multilateral fora to represent Europe's interests and actively promote the benefits of the EU’s digital strategy.


In the Political Guidelines for the European Commission 2019-2024, President Ursula von der Leyen called for a new comprehensive strategy with Africa to support the continent in approaching local challenges with its own solutions.


The digital economy & society is now firmly part of the agenda for the EU's relations with the Americas. The EU works with Latin America and the Caribbean, Brazil, Mexico, the USA and Canada.


Asia is a vibrant economic region of the world, with dynamic markets and a strong innovation capacity. The EU works with a number of countries and regions in the area. 

EU Neighbours

The European Commission works closely with third countries geographically close to the European Union. These include EFTA and EEA countries, Switzerland, candidate countries, and southern neighbours.

Global internet and telecommunications

The European Commission works at the international level with other global players to shape the developments of the internet and the telecommunications world. The vision of the European Commission is summarised in the COMPACT concept: the Internet as a space of civic responsibilities. 

International organisations and multilateral fora

The EU seeks to advance the European approach to the digital transformation through agreements reached with international organisations and fora. It works with the UN, the G7 and G20, the OECD, the Council of Europe and many other organisations. 

Regional and bilateral relations

Regional and bilateral relations focus on market access for European companies and on promoting a sound and transparent regulatory global environment. The Commission aims to foster a regulatory system that is close to, and compatible with, the EU legal framework. 


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Big Picture

International Relations

The European Union works with countries around the world and international organisations to ensure technology helps to improve lives everywhere.

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EU Neighbours

The European Commission works closely with third countries geographically close to the European Union.


The digital transformation offers Africa tremendous opportunities.

Regional and bilateral relations

Regional and bilateral relations focus on market access for European companies and on promoting a sound and transparent regulatory global environment.

Global Internet and telecommunications

The European Commission works at international level with other global players to shape the developments of the Internet and the telecommunications world.


Asia-Pacific and the EU continue to strengthen their digital partnership ensuring growth in many areas such as research and development, 5G and AI.


The digital economy & society is now firmly part of the agenda for the EU's relations with the Americas.

See Also

Digital Partnerships

Through digital partnerships, the EU can strengthen connectivity across the world.

Supporting Ukraine through digital

This department of the Commission is working to support the digital and cultural sectors in Ukraine, help Ukrainians stay connected, and tackle disinformation.