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The Radio Spectrum Committee

The Radio Spectrum Committee (RSC) is responsible for specific technical measures required to implement the broader Radio Spectrum Policy.

Responsibilities of the Radio Spectrum Committee (RSC)

The RSC is composed of Member State representatives and chaired by the European Commission. Established by the Radio Spectrum Decision, the RSC assists the Commission in developing technical implementing decisions to ensure harmonised conditions across Europe for the availability and efficient use of radio spectrum. It also develops measures to ensure that information on the use of radio spectrum is provided accurately and in a timely manner.

The Committee exercises its function through advisory and examination procedures. The Commission discusses its proposals with national administrations before implementation in order to ensure that any measure is optimised to the various national situations.

The interested public can consult RSC documents, including detailed information on the Committee's activities, and the rules of procedure and membership.

Technical support

The RSC works very closely with the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT). The Commission may issue mandates to CEPT for the development of technical implementing measures that can ensure harmonised conditions for the availability and efficient use of radio spectrum. These mandates specify the task to be undertaken and the timeframe in which they should be achieved.

A Memorandum of Understanding has been established between CEPT and the Commission to support on-going activities on harmonisation of radio spectrum and benefit all parties concerned.

Technical implementation measures - the RSC at work

The Radio Spectrum Committee normally meets four times a year. The outcome and the planning of the meetings is available below.

Upcoming RSC meetings:

  • RSC#85: 20-21/03/2024

  • RSC#86: 03-04/07/2024

  • RSC#87: 09-10/10/2024

  • RSC#88: 04-05/12/2024


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