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Shaping Europe’s digital future
Event report | Väljaanne

Teabeüritus tellitava tehisintellekti platvormi projektikonkursi kohta DIGITALi raames

Esitlused sisaldavad teavet, mis esitati 25. novembri 2022. aasta teabekoosolekul projektikonkursi DIGITAL-2022-CLOUD-AI-03-AI-ON-DEMAND – tellitava tehisintellekti platvormi kasutuselevõtt.


1. Presentation by Cecile Huet, Head of Unit, Robotics & AI Innovation and Excellence, European Commission
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2. Presentation by Barry O´Sullivan, coordinator AI4Europe
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3. Presentation by Joachim Köhler: Preparation for the development of the AI-on-demand platform
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