European Commission
Visual with title and dates of the conference
What we need at a European level is to change the mindset in the face of the challenges that the digital shift represents. What new creative content, services, products and business models can be developed, and integrated across the whole value chain, in order for the European content industries to flourish?
This year, the European Commission will launch two pilot actions aiming to instil this innovative mindset in the cultural and creative sectors. These actions will be the prelude to the Creative Innovation Lab that is proposed under the new Creative Europe programme starting in 2021.
The EFF will look at existing trends and explore the industries within the cultural and creative sectors that have the most potential for collaboration. Finally, the discussion will focus on enabling technologies and the type of collaboration and support that would be most effective.
The European Film Forum
The aim of the European Film Forum (EFF) is to develop a strategic policy agenda, opening up new perspectives on the challenges and opportunities brought about by the digital revolution. It was set up as the result of a proposal by the European Commission in its 2014 Communication on “European Film in the Digital Era”. In the context of the Commission’s Digital Single Market Strategy, it is essential to discuss how the competitiveness, visibility and innovation capacity of the European audiovisual sector can be enhanced. The EFF is making a vital contribution to formulating European Commission thinking on key legislative initiatives and provided input for the proposal for the period 2021-2027. That included proposals for a significant increase in the future MEDIA budget.
Map / Location
Imperial Palace, Allée de l'Impérial, 74000, Annecy, Haute-Savoie, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes