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Expert group on Safer Internet for Children

The new Expert Group on Safer Internet for Children will help improve coordination and cooperation between EU Member States and propose concrete actions to keep children safe when using the internet.

The European Commission announced on 5 February 2019, Safer Internet Day, the creation of a new Expert Group on Safer Internet for Children, which will help improve coordination and cooperation between EU Member States and propose concrete actions to keep children safe when using the internet.

The group, composed of representatives from EU Member States, Iceland and Norway, will discuss a range of topics, from how to protect children from access to harmful content - for example through age ratings and parental controls - to how to avoid unfair commercial practices in online advertising directed at children.

One particular aim of the group is to facilitate the sharing of best practice between Member States on how to implement some of the specific provisions concerning minors in key existing legal acts. These include for example measures to protect minors from harmful content in the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) or rules on requiring parental consent to access children’s data covered by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).




Mandate of the expert group
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