Lists of archives, repositories, and digital preservation solutions that have demonstrated conformance according to the E-ARK specifications.
The eArchiving Initiative, funded by the European Commission, awards the eArchiving Conformance Seal for an archive, a repository, or a digital preservation solution which has demonstrated that they have successfully implemented the E-ARK specifications.
Conformant archives, repositories, and digital preservation solutions
The following list shows archives, repositories, and digital preservation solutions that have passed the conformance testing:
Name | Organisation(s) | Archive/Repository/Solution |
Seal |
Engineering and Science Library project | Piql (Norway, Spain), Airbus Space and Defence (Spain), and the Central Library of Slovak Academy of Sciences (Slovakia) | Project: E-ARK conformant archival systems with embedded Archivematica preservation workflows for science and engineering content. |
E-ARK v2.1.0, 2024 eArchiving Conformance Assessment GS Projects report (11.08.2024) |
J-ARK project |
Pangeanic (Spain), Stichting Jewish Heritage Network (Netherlands), Keep Solutions (Portugal), Europeana Foundation (Netherlands), Ośrodek Brama Grodzka (Poland), Jewish Community of Lithuania (Lithuania) |
Project: Open-source digital preservation platform RODA, v5 |
E-ARK v2.1.0, 2024 eArchiving Conformance Assessment GS Projects report (17.05.2024) |
KEEP Solutions (RODA Enterprise) | KEEP Solutions | Solution: RODA (Repository of Authentic Digital Records) is a long-term digital repository solution. |
E-ARK v2.1.0, 2024 |
OneClick eArchiving project | South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences - XAMK (Finland), PIQL (Norway, Spain), Estonian Academy of Arts, Digitalia, DISEC. | Project: Tool to create Submission Information Packages (SIP) with an Archivematica Backend. |
E-ARK v2.1.0, 2024 eArchiving Conformance Assessment GS Projects report (17.05.2024) |
PROHUB project | AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Highbury Research and Development Ltd., NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies | Project: E-ARK Reference Implementation "earkweb", v1.2. |
E-ARK v2.1.0, 2024 eArchiving Conformance Assessment GS Projects report (25.05.2024) |
SIP | The E-ARK Submission Information Package (E-ARK SIP) specification describes the pan-European standard for packaging data and metadata for submission. |
AIP | The E-ARK Archival Information Package (E-ARK AIP) specification describes the pan-European standard for packaging data and metadata for long-term storage. |
DIP | The E-ARK Dissemination Information Package (E-ARK DIP) specification describes the pan-European standard for disseminating data and metadata. |
PROV | Specification for preservation metadata based upon the standard Preservation Metadata Implementation Strategies (PREMIS) found at |
DMD | Specification for archival information and information about the creator. This specification endorses the use of currently available profiles using the formats, EAD, EAD2002, EAD3, EAC-CPF, EAG and RiC. |
LD | A specification on the use of linked data is being planned. |
CITS SIARD | The CITS SIARD (Content Information Type Specification for Relational Databases using SIARD) is a specification that describes how to package and preserve relational database content. |
CITS ERMS | Specification for the E-ARK Content Information Type Specification for Electronic Records Management Systems. |
CITS Geo | Specification for the E-ARK Content Information Type Specification for digital geospatial data records archiving. |
If the corresponding specification label is highlighted in bold, it means that the requirements were met in the conformance assessment. Note that currently only the assessment of SIP, AIP, and DIP conformance is reviewed, other specifications will be supported in the future.
Obtaining the eArchiving Conformance Seal
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