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Call for proposals | Publication

The updated FET/EIC Pathfinder work programme is here

The pilot Work Programme 2018-2020 of the European Innovation Council (EIC) has been updated and pre-published, specifically for the FET (Future and Emerging Technologies)/EIC Pathfinder Proactive topics.

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EIC WP 2018-20 updated

The updated EIC Work Programme 2018-2020 has been pre-published.

For FET/EIC Pathfinder Proactive topics, the updates are about:

In summary, the FET Proactive topics and subtopics covered by the current call are:

  • FET Proactive: emerging paradigms and communities
    • Artificial Intelligence for extended social interaction
    • Breakthrough zero-emissions energy storage and conversion technologies for carbon neutrality
    • Digital twins for the life-sciences
    • Measuring the unmeasurable –– Sub-nanoscale science for Nanometrology
  • FET Proactive: Environmental Intelligence:
    • New techniques for modelling and predicting social/environmental evolution across different temporal and spatial scales
    • Radically novel approaches to resilient, reliable and environmentally responsible in-situ monitoring

The opening of the call is scheduled to be on 26th March 2020 with closing deadline on 2nd July 2020.

Start preparing your proposals!

Please stay tuned to @FutureTechEU and @EUeic for further news and details.