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Bâtir l’avenir numérique de l’Europe
Consultation | Publication

Give your feedback on the roadmap on the Web Accessibility Directive

The Commission would like to hear your views!
Your feedback will be taken into account for further development and fine tuning of the initiative.

The Commission would like to hear your views! 

The Web accessibility directive aims to make public-sector websites and mobile applications in the EU more accessible to the public, particularly people with disabilities. It sets standard requirements for web accessibility products and services across the EU.

The draft roadmap for the evaluation to review the Web Accessibility Directive has been published on the Have Your Say portal. 

The draft roadmap sets out the purpose and scope of the evaluation and serves as a first communication with stakeholders who may later provide evidence to the evaluation, wish to use the evaluation findings and/or provide feedback on the roadmap that may affect the evaluation design.

We kindly invite you to provide feedback on the roadmap and to share it among relevant stakeholders in your country.

The consultation is open until 8/1/2021.

Get involved and provide feedback on the roadmap

For those among you who are less familiar with the EU legislative process, please find further information below: