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Creative Europe MEDIA events at cineEurope

The European Commission will host two events at the 2018 edition of CineEurope: a European Film Forum focusing on the business case for European content (Monday 11 June 2018) and an event focusing on reaching out to the female audience (Thursday 14 June 2018).

European Film Forum: The Business Case for European Content

Monday, 11 June, 09:30-10:30

Europe prides itself on its unparalleled offer of both local and European films that are made each year, while cinema operators play a major role in raising awareness and providing access to this diverse selection. However, the market share of European films remains low compared to the select few US productions that continue to lead at the box office. Is there a way for Europe to produce and promote films that can resonate with a wider audience whilst celebrating its rich cultural diversity? Are there lessons to be learned from our US colleagues? Can a European film succeed in all territories?

Opening Remarks:

  • Lucia Recalde, Head of Unit, Creative Europe Media, European Commission, DG CONNECT


  • Isabel Davis, Head of International, British Film Institute
  • Asger Flygare Bech-Thomsen, CEO, Nordisk Film Cinemas
  • John M. Jacobsen, Producer and CEO, Filmkameratene AS
  • Anna Marsh, Executive Vice-President International Distribution, STUDIOCANAL


  • David Hancock, Director of Research and Analysis for Cinema & Home Entertainment, IHS

The European Film Forum will be webstreamed, more information will be available soon. This event is co-organised with UNIC.

Wonder Women – Reaching Out to the Female Audience

Thursday, 14 June, 08:45-09:30 (Exhibition Hall, Level 0)

2017 saw a series of films with strong female leads dominate the European box office, from Star Wars: The Last Jedi to Beauty and the Beast to Wonder Woman. With over half of the cinemagoing population in Europe being female, and with changes in broader social attitudes brought about by developments such as the #MeToo movement, the time seems right to explore what more the industry could be doing to reach out to the female cinema audience. What are the strategies that are proving effective, and what are the barriers to reaching the female audience more effectively?


  • Richard Aseme, Vice President, International Theatrical Marketing & Distribution, Paramount Pictures
  • Mia Bays, Director-at-large, Birds Eye View Film
  • Clare Binns, Joint Managing Director, Picturehouse Cinemas
  • Eric Meyniel, International Content Director, Kinepolis
  • Marine Suttle, Global Product Director, Webedia Movies Pro


  • Patrick Von Sychowski, Editor, Celluloid Junkie


Creative Europe MEDIA programme plays a crucial role in supporting Europe's audiovisual sector through the development, promotion and distribution of thousands of films/TV series as well as support to training programmes, film festivals, cinema networks or distribution platforms. Since 1991, the EU has been investing over €2.5 billion in European content, creativity and cultural diversity, helping European talents to work together across borders. 

The European Film Forum is a structured dialogue between policy makers and stakeholders.This dialogue takes place notably during Film Festivals, under different formats (such as conferences, round table discussions and workshops).