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Shaping Europe’s digital future
Report / Study | Publikation

Europe's Digital Progress Report 2017

The EDPR report combines the quantitative evidence from DESI (Digital Economy and Society Index) with country-specific policy insights, allowing us to keep track of the progress made in terms of digitalisation by each Member State and providing an important feedback loop for policy-making at EU level

Europe's Digital Progress Report SWD(2017) 160 (zipped slides pdf, report pdf)

1 Connectivity

  • Broadband market developments in the EU 2017 (slides pdf)

2 Human Capital

  • Digital Inclusion and Skills in the EU 2017 (slides pdf) Methodological note (pdf)

3 Use of Internet

  • Use of Internet Services by Citizens in the EU 2017 (slides pdf)

4 Integration of Digital Technology

  • Integration of Digital Technology in the EU 2017 (slides pdf)

5 Digital Public Services

  • Trends in European Digital Public Services in the EU 2017 (slides pdf)

R&D Research & Development

  • ICT Sector and R&D performance in the EU 2017 (slides pdf)
  • Horizon 2020 Research Projects in the ICT domain in the EU 2016 (slides pdf)

Europe's Digital Progress Country Reports