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Implementation of the PSI Directive in Romania

Romania has transposed Directive 2003/98/EC as amended by Directive 2013/37/EU by the following instruments:

  • Lege privind reutilizarea informaţiilor din instituţiile publice (Law on re-use of public institutions information) of 25/04/2007, Journal Officiel de Roumanie n° 300 of 05/05/2007, p. 2-3 Original language version; EN translation
  • Lege pentru modificarea Legii nr. 109/2007 privind reutilizarea informațiilor din instituțiile publice (Law amending the Law on re-use of public institutions information) of 24/10/2008, Journal Officiel de Roumanie n° 737 of 30/10/2008, p. 3 Original language version; EN translation
  • Lege pentru modificarea si completarea Legii nr. 109/2007 privind reutilizarea informațiilor din instituțiile publice (Law No 299/2015 amending Law No 109/2007 on the re-use of information from public institutions), Journal Officiel de Roumanie no 898 of 07/12/2015 Original language version; EN translation

Please note: The original language versions of national legislation may be subject to a copyright and re-use policy different from the Legal Notice referenced above.