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Revision of the PSI Directive

The review of the Directive is one of the key actions of the "Digital Agenda for Europe".

In December 2011, the Commission presented a proposal to revise the Directive.

The proposal for a revision of the Directive proposed to further open up the market for services based on public-sector information, by:

  • including new bodies in the scope of application of the Directive such as libraries (including university libraries), museums and archives;
  • limiting the fees that can be charged by the public authorities at the marginal costs as a rule;
  • introducing independent oversight over re-use rules in the Member States;
  • making machine-readable formats for information held by public authorities the norm.

Please see here for more details on the proposal to revise the Directive.

For more documents in relation to the legislative procedure, please click here.

For a detailed overview of the activity of the European Parliament in the legislative procedure, please click here.


In preparation for the proposed revision of the 2003 Directive, the Commission in 2009 presented a first review of the way in which PSI rules were being applied. The review confirmed that PSI re-use has been on the rise but also that EU Member States must remove remaining barriers to re-use in order to fully realise the potential of PSI for the EU economy.

In 2010 the Commission undertook a public consultation on the PSI Directive:


In preparation for the revision of the Directive, the Commission commissioned the following studies: 


 The Commission also assessed the expected impacts of the proposed revision of the Directive:

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