graphic displaying binary code and shopping cart
This consultation, an initiative of the Digital Single Market Strategy (DSM), aims at gathering views and opinions on the restrictions faced by users, consumers and businesses when they access or provide information, shop or sell across borders in the European Union. Responses are sought from consumers, businesses, national authorities at all levels and interested organisations.
This consultation will run from 24 September for 12 weeks starting from the day when the questionnaire is available in all EU languages. The closing date is published on the consultation page.
Please state in the questionnaire whether you are responding as an individual or representing the views of an organisation. Organisations must register in the Transparency Register before they begin to answer the questions. The submissions of non-registered organisations will be published separately from those of registered ones as the input of individuals.
You can respond to the consultation in all EU languages but replying in English, French or German will help the Commission process the results quicker. Only responses received through the online questionnaire will be read and included in the report summarising the responses. You may pause any time, save your replies and continue later.
The Commission will assess and summarise the results in a report that it will publish on the websites of the Directorates General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology and for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs. Individual feedback is not envisaged; all information will be processed in an aggregated and anonymised manner. Please read the Privacy Statement on how we deal with your personal data and contribution.
All contributions were published on the websites of the Directorates General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology and for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, unless confidentiality was specifically requested.
European Commission
DG Communication Networks, Content & Technology - Unit F1 - Digital Single Market
Avenue de Beaulieu 25
B-1049 Brussels - Belgium
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