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The eArchiving Conformance Seal is a sign of quality of digital archiving, long term preservation, and data management following standards and best practices.

The eArchiving Conformance Seal demonstrates that a digital repository or archival solution is conformant with the E-ARK specifications. Below are the basic steps to acquire the eArchiving Conformance Seal.

You can view the list of archives, repositories, and digital preservation solutions that have passed the conformance testing according to the eArchiving Conformance Seal Requirements.

There are several steps which need to be carried out by a designated representative from an organisation (digital repository maintainer) or company (solution provider).


1. Validation
Validation is the process of testing a single Information Package (IP) file for conformance. You can start by verifying if individual information packages of your digital repository or archival solution are valid by using the Validation Service to test if these are conformant with E-ARK specifications.


2. Self-assessment conformance
eArchiving conformance of a digital archive or archiving solution includes meeting the requirements for ingest and processing of Information Packages, in addition to the validation of a representative sample of information packages.


3. Review
A review with the applicant by the eArchiving team will be performed to verify conformance against the E-ARK specifications and requirements for ingest and processing of Information Packages. This is a condition for acquiring the eArchiving Conformance seal.


4. Seal
After successful review the eArchiving Conformance Seal is awarded by the eArchiving Initiative, funded by the European Commission.

You can get more information on the eArchiving Conformance Seal website

If you have any questions or comments about this page, or eArchiving in general, please visit the eArchiving Initiative support desk.


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The eArchiving Initiative provides core specifications, software, training and knowledge to help people store information for longer.