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Shaping Europe’s digital future

Funding for Digital in the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework

The EU’s long-term EU budget, also known as the multiannual financial framework, boosts digital technologies.

Disclaimer: This webpage is a brief overview. For the most up-to-date information please visit the EU Funding and Tenders Portal

The digital sector is crucial to build a sustainable future that supports people and businesses. The 2021-2027 multiannual financial framework (MFF) ensures that it has the support to do so. It includes instruments and funding programmes such as:

  • the Digital Europe Programme
  • the Connecting Europe Facility
  • Horizon Europe
  • Creative Europe

The entire budget of the MFF was established as more than €1 trillion in 2018 prices. Complementing the MFF, the Next Generation EU initiative was introduced to support post-pandemic recovery efforts. This additional funding framework also facilitates the financing of digital projects. For instance, there is a digital component under the InvestEU programme.

The 7 main EU budget programmes

Digital Europe Programme

The Digital Europe programme (DIGITAL) is the central programme for digital in the MFF. It aims to accelerate economic recovery and drive the digital transformation of Europe.

The Digital Europe Programme strengthens investment in a range of areas, including:

  • supercomputing and data processing capacities
  • core artificial intelligence (AI) capacities such as a data spaces and libraries of AI algorithms
  • cybersecurity
  • digital skills, expanding the best use of digital capacity in EU’s society and economy
  • support to the digitalisation of businesses and public administrations
  • capacity building for semiconductors to tackle shortages - through the Chips for Europe Initiative.

The Digital Europe Programme is designed to fill the gap between research and deployment of digital technologies. It is already bringing the results of research to the market for the benefit of Europe's citizens and businesses, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises SMEs).

Connecting Europe Facility - Digital

The Connecting Europe Facility supports trans-European networks and infrastructures in the transport, telecommunications and energy sectors. It is investing in broadband networks, as a part of the EU’s wider efforts to build infrastructure that can handle emerging and future processes and applications.

Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe is a 7 year funding programme for research and innovation that continues the work of Horizon 2020. It funds vital research in health, resilience and the green and digital transitions.

Horizon Europe includes a dedicated budget for ‘Digital, industry and space’. This budget develops research and high-end innovation in enabling technologies, such as:

  • artificial intelligence and robotics
  • next generation Internet
  • high performance computing
  • big data
  • key digital technologies
  • 6G

This sub-programme promotes research by integrating digital technologies with innovations from other fields. Approximately 35% of Horizon Europe’s efforts are backing the digital transition. Horizon Europe’s initiatives complement those of the Digital Europe Programme.


InvestEU has been providing crucial support to companies in the recovery phase and ensures a strong focus among private investors on the EU’s medium- and long-term policy priorities. In particular, the European Green Deal and digitalisation. At least 10% of the programme feeds into digital goals.

Creative Europe MEDIA

The MEDIA Sub-programme of Creative Europe supports European film and other audiovisual industries. It provides funding for the development, promotion and distribution of European works within Europe and beyond.


EU4Health is a programme intended to strengthen health security and prepare for future health crises. Approximately 10% of this programme will be used for digital transformation of the health sector.

Recovery and Resilience Facility

Supporting digital transformation is key to building resilience and advancing recovery. The Recovery and Resilience Facility is a programme that offers financial support for investments and reforms, including in relation to the green and digital transitions and the resilience of national economies. It is linked to the European Semester.

The Commission has proposed that each recovery and resilience plan include a minimum level of 20% of expenditure related to digital.

Finding funding

The EU Funding & Tenders Portal is the European Commission’s single entry point for funding, offering a comprehensive platform to find and apply for EU funding opportunities. It allows applicants to search for calls for proposals across various EU programmes, understand eligibility criteria, and access detailed guidance on the application process. 

Regional funding

The European Regional Development Fund aims to improve economic, social, and territorial cohesion. Among other things, from 2021 to 2027, the fund will investment in projects aimed at making Europe's regions more competitive and smarter. This includes digital projects, for instance, in digitisation and digital connectivity. Member States’ administrations are responsible for assessing and selecting projects to finance. Businesses, organisations, administrations and citizens can contact their local managing authority to enquire how to apply for grants or loans. 

Access to finance

Besides, the funding opportunities mentioned above, there are other ways to seek financing, The access to finance portal helps businesses and entrepreneurs find loans or equity finance. The portal directs you to local financial institutions where you can apply for EU financing.


Funding opportunities and related documents

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