The webinar will take place on 7 July from 10:00-12:15 (CEST). It aims at providing guidance to potential applicants about the recently published call for proposals to monitor and defend media freedom and pluralism (deadline 20 Sept). It will also be the opportunity to provide an update on other calls announced in a previous webinar on 6 April 2022 (recordings here), including the call for Journalism Partnerships under Creative Europe (deadline 7 Sept), and calls that were recently launched or are about to be launched to support a fund for local media, consortia of youth media, a radio network, data-driven media networks, media platforms and a media data space, among others.
- 10h00 - Creative Europe calls for proposals for news media, followed by Q&A
- 11h15 - Other opportunities for news media
- 12h15 - End
No registration needed.
Replay the session and check the presentation.
Further information
- For questions about the Creative Europe calls, please contact the Creative Europe Desk in your country.
- For more information about EU support to the news media sector, download our factsheet (March 2022), visit the NEWS initiative page and/or follow us on Twitter @MediaEU.
- You can subscribe to automatic updates on DG Connect's website
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