The call is now closed and applications under evaluation.
Objective of the call for proposals
This action aims to set up and/or develop European media platforms. News media organisations are invited to propose projects crafting user-friendly and innovative features and applications. These projects should help news media organisations increase their reach and improve citizens’ access to multilingual and trusted information in as many EU Member States and EU languages as possible. As a result, the call would contribute to developing a EU-wide media public sphere.
Content of the proposals
Applicants need to justify the added value and innovative aspect of their proposals, for example by onboarding and using innovative technical tools (e.g. translation modules, AI, web3, blockchain, search engines, content recommendation algorithms, etc.). These techniques should lead to dissemination of content through multiple mediums and cover different content genres and digital applications.
The technical arrangements should be combined with a credible multilingual content offer. Newsrooms should be able to collaborate and offer content including diverse perspectives from across the Union, include innovative, participatory formats and target wide audiences. Proposals should provide a provisional visual mock-up of the envisaged platform.
The call is open to news media organisations (e.g. broadcasters, publishers…), media technology developers and other organisations active in the media domain.
Consortia must include at least 3 applicants, but their content delivery should be available in as many different EU member states as possible and, as a minimum, in 5 EU languages.
The territorial focus of the action is the European Union Member States. Only applications from legal entities established in the EU member states are eligible under this call.
The grant agreement will include a charter of independence to make sure that applicants are editorially free and operate without any political interference.
The maximum co-financing rate of is 80% of the total eligible costs. The maximum amount per grant has been set at €2.5 million. The Commission expects to fund approximately 3 proposals, with an expected duration of 12-15 months. The Commission reserves the right not to distribute all the funds available (EUR 6 Mio). Applicants are reminded that budget-cost effectiveness is part of the award criteria.
More information
The call for proposals, application forms and all relevant documents are available in the next section. (If reading in another language, consult the English original for call documents.)
Questions can be sent to until 5 working days before the deadline. All questions and answers will be published, anonymously, on this page.
This call is the result of a preparatory action approved by the European Parliament in 2023 and follows up previous calls in 2021 and 2022. Discover the results of last year's call for proposals.
See also:
- An overview of the EU support to the news media sector.
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