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Two milestones for advancing European 1+ Million Genomes initiative

On DNA Day, the European Commission announces two crucial advancements in genomics in Europe: the Genome of Europe project award and the expansion of the Genomic Data Infrastructure to new countries.

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On DNA Day, we reflect on the significance of enabling secure access to genomic data for unlocking the potential of biomedical research and driving advancements in healthcare and beyond. We are thrilled to announce two significant milestones in the European 1+ Million Genomes (1+MG) initiative supporting these ambitious objectives.

First, the European Commission has awarded a €20M grant to the Genome of Europe (GoE), an ambitious multi-country project with a total budget of €45M (co-funding under the Digital Europe Programme), spanning across 26 Member States and several other countries and likely to start off later this year. In alignment and collaboration with the 1+MG Initiative and supporting its goals, the GoE will establish a European reference genome based on the whole-genome data of 100,000 representative European citizens. Being one of the most comprehensive genomic endeavors to date, the project will provide by early 2028 a unique data resource enabling groundbreaking medical research outcomes for disease prevention and treatment, advances in personalised healthcare and support for public health measures.

Second, the European Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI) project (also co-funded by the Digital Europe Programme) welcomes the joining of four new Member States: Cyprus, Hungary, Malta and Romania. The project’s expansion will accelerate the development of a wider cross-border data infrastructure for secure access to high quality human genomics and associated clinical data throughout Europe. It’s a true advancement on the implementation of the 1+MG initiative supported by the Commission. 

These new countries will undergo a rapid integration into the project, with plans to complete their onboarding status by 2026. This includes establishing a National Mirror Group, developing national genomic plans, and deploying and testing the 1+MG data infrastructure.