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Shaping Europe’s digital future

Croatia in the Digital Economy and Society Index

Find here the most recent analysis and data for digitisation in Croatia, covering topics such as connectivity, digital skills, egovernment, and more.

The European Commission has been monitoring Member States’ digital progress through the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) reports since 2014. As of 2023, and in line with the Digital Decade Policy Programme 2030, DESI is now integrated into the State of the Digital Decade report and used to monitor progress towards the digital targets. You can also specifically refer to the country reports

2022 publications

Graphic overview of Croatia in DESI showing a ranking of 21 and a score of 47.5

2021 publications

2020 publications

2019 publications

2018 publications

Europe's Digital Progress Report 2017

The Europe's Digital Progress Report (EDPR) report combines the quantitative evidence from DESI (Digital Economy and Society Index) with country-specific policy insights, allowing us to keep track of the progress made in terms of digitalisation by each Member State and providing an important feedback loop for policy-making at EU level.

EDPR profile of Croatia: Download PDF (EN) or Download PDF (HR)

EDPR telecom factsheets: Download PDF (EN)

Digital Economy and Society Index 2017

Croatia ranks 24th in Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2017. Croatian citizens are above average users of the Internet and their digital skills are steadily progressing. The use of digital technologies by enterprises is close to average. Digital Public Services are slowly improving. However, Croatia's low performance in Connectivity could slow down the further development of its digital economy and society.

DESI profile of Croatia: Download full profile PDF (EN) or download summary PDF (HR)

2016 publications

Download the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) country profile as a pdf (EN); summary pdf (HR)

Download country's main indicators as a power point presentation (EN)

Download the European Digital Progress Report (EDPR*) country report as a pdf (EN) (HR)

Download the EDPR telecom factsheets as a pdf (EN)

*The EDPR report combines the quantitative evidence from DESI (Digital Economy and Society Index) with country-specific policy insights, allowing us to keep track of the progress made in terms of digitalisation by each Member State and providing an important feedback loop for policy-making at EU level.

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Big Picture

Countries' performance in digitisation

The 2023 Digital Decade country reports outline how each Member State is doing regarding the Digital Decade cardinal points: Digital Skills, Digital Infrastructures, Digitalisation of Businesses and Digitalisation of Public Services.

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