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EU-funded R&I projects on data

The implementation of data projects is geared towards achieving a more effective and efficient management of big data.

Horizon Europe Programme

The WORLD LEADING DATA AND COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES 2023 – 2024 portfolio includes projects from the HORIZON EUROPE WP 2023-2024, 7. Digital, Industry and Space, following topics:


Topic: HORIZON-CL4-2024-DATA-01-01: AI-driven data operations and compliance technologies (AI, data and robotics partnership) (IA) – (4 projects)


Topic: HORIZON-CL4-2023-DATA-01-02: Integration of data life cycle, architectures and standards for complex data cycles and/or human factors, language (AI, data and robotics partnership) (RIA) – (5 projects)

In addition, 3 projects under the call A HUMAN-CENTRED AND ETHICAL DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITAL AND INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES (Destination 6), are included:

Topic: HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-01: Efficient trustworthy AI - making the best of data (AI, Data and Robotics Partnership) (RIA) – (3 projects out of the list of 5 projects):

AI-DAPT: AI-DAPT AI-Ops Framework for Automated, Intelligent and Reliable Data/AI Pipelines Lifecycle with Humans-in-the-Loop and Coupling of Hybrid Science-Guided and AI Models

RAIDO: Reliable AI and Data Optimisation

PANDORA: Comprehensive Framework enabling the Delivery of Trustworthy Datasets for Efficient AIoT Operation


The WORLD LEADING DATA AND COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES 2021 – 2022 portfolio includes projects from the HORIZON EUROPE WP 2021-2022, 7. Digital, Industry and Space, following topics:


Topic: HORIZON-CL4-2022-DATA-01-04 - Technologies and solutions for data trading, monetizing, exchange and interoperability (AI, Data and Robotics Partnership) (IA) – (4 projects)

Topic: HORIZON-CL4-2022-DATA-01-01 - Methods for exploiting data and knowledge for extremely precise outcomes (analysis, prediction, decision support), reducing complexity and presenting insights in understandable way (RIA) – (3 projects)

Topic: HORIZON-CL4-2022-DATA-01-05 - Extreme data mining, aggregation and analytics technologies and solutions (RIA) – (7 projects)


Topic: HORIZON-CL4-2021-DATA-01-01 - Technologies and solutions for compliance, privacy preservation, green and responsible data operations (AI, Data and Robotics Partnership) (RIA) - (5 Projects)

Topic: HORIZON-CL4-2021-DATA-01-03 - Technologies for data management (AI, Data and Robotics Partnership) (IA) - (7 projects)


Previous funding programmes

The Big Data and Open Data portfolio includes projects from the Horizon 2020 
Industrial Leadership - Information and Communication technologies LEIT-ICT Work Programme for the following topics:

H2020 ICT Work Programme 2020

  • Call DT-ICT-05-2020 - Big Data Innovation Hubs (4 projects)
  • Call ICT-51-2020 - Big Data technologies and extreme -scale analytics (6 projects)

and from the H2020 - Societal Challenges - Programme - 2020:

H2020-EU.3.1. - SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Health, demographic change and well-being

  • Call SC1-PHE-CORONAVIRUS-2020-2B - Medical technologies, Digital tools and Artificial Intelligence (AI) analytics to improve surveillance and care at high Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) - (1 project - icovid)

H2020 ICT Work Programme 2018 - 2019

  • Call ICT-12-2018-2020 - Big Data technologies and extreme-scale analytics (6 projects)
  • Call ICT-13-2018-2019 - Supporting the emergence of data markets and the data economy (13 projects)
  • Call ICT-11-2018-2019 - HPC and Big Data enabled Large-scale test-beds and Applications (6 projects)
    • ICT-11b) Innovation Actions-targetting the development of large-scale IoT/Cloud enabled idustrial pilot test-bets for big data applications - (2 projects - IoTwins and INFINITECH)
  • Call DT-ICT-11-2019 - Big data solutions for energy (4 Projects)

H2020 ICT Work Programme 2016 - 2017

  • Call ICT-14-2016-2017 - Big Data PPP: cross-sectorial and cross-lingual data integration and experimentation (15 projects)
  • Call ICT-15-2016-2017 - Big Data PPP: Large Scale Pilot actions in sectors best benefitting from data-driven innovation- (4 projects)
  • Call ICT-16-2017 - Big data PPP: research addressing main technology challenges of the data economy (7 projects)
  • Call ICT-17-2016-2017 - Big data PPP: Support, industrial skills, benchmarking and evaluation (2 project)
  • Call ICT-18-2016 - Big data PPP: privacy-preserving big data technologies (4 projects)
  • Call ICT-35-2016 - Enabling responsible ICT-related research and innovation (1 project: K-PLEX)

H2020 ICT Work Programme 2014 - 2015​

The Technologies for Information Management portfolio includes projects from the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) and the Competitive and Innovation programme - ICT-policy support programme. The full range of topics covered are:

  • Online content,
  • Interactive and Social Media,
  • Knowledge Discovery and Management,
  • Reasoning and Information Exploitation.

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