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Shaping Europe’s digital future
  • Publication 15 September 2021

Targeted consultation on the 2030 Digital Compass: The European way for the Digital Decade

The targeted consultation gathered feedback and input for the Commission’s preparation of the proposal for the 2030 Policy Programme: ‘Path to the Digital Decade’.

The targeted consultation on the 2030 Digital Compass ran from 22 June to 3 August 2021. The factual summary report offers a quantitative overview of the contributions. The full consultation report was prepared by an external consultant to present a more detailed analysis of the consultation results and trends that emerge from them. The Commission’s own interpretation of the feedback and input received through all consultation activities, including events and discussions organised in addition to the targeted consultation, is part of the Staff Working Document on the 2030 Policy Programme: Path to the Digital Decade.

View the factual summary report (.pdf)

View the full consultation report (.pdf)

View the responses (.xls)

View the Staff Working Document

Objectives of the consultation

The objective of the targeted consultation was to gather feedback and input on the key elements of the Commission’s Communication ‘2030 Digital Compass: the European way for the Digital Decade’ of 9 March 2021.

To operationalise the vision presented in the Communication, the Commission prepared a proposal for a the 2030 Policy Programme ‘Path to the Digital Decade’, which aims to establish an annual cooperation cycle and introduce a mechanism to coordinate investments between the Commission and Member States to reach the EU’s 2030 Digital Decade targets.

The results of the targeted consultation, together with feedback and input gathered through other consultation activities, fed into the preparation of the Commission’s proposal and will be taken into account to contribute to the EU’s successful digital transformation.

The targeted consultation was part of a wider outreach campaign to involve stakeholders in Europe’s Digital Decade. In order to ensure the widest possible engagement of all relevant groups, the Commission organised the following additional activities:

  • The Leading the Digital Decade Conference, a two-day online event co-organised by the European Commission and the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union on 1-2 June 2021, which sparked a broad debate with representatives of society, industry, the European Parliament and Member States.
  • A consultation on the Roadmap for the Digital Compass Policy Programme, open from 24 June 2021 to 22 July 2021.
  • Inter-institutional discussion with the co-legislators (European Parliament and Council), the European Economic and Social Committee and the European Committee of the Regions, as well as individual meetings with Member State representatives and attachés.
  • A Digital Decade Community on the Futurium platform to update and interact with stakeholders on digital issues throughout the decade.