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  • Pubblikazzjoni 23 Novembru 2022

Lookback at the 3rd European News Media Forum on innovations

On 10 November 2022, the Commission organised the third edition of the European News Media Forum, focusing on the challenges and innovations of European news media organisations.

This edition of the European News Media Forum focused (ENMF) on innovations in many forms, ranging from new sector practices on journalistic standards and media governance to media viability, adapting to consumption patterns and sector/cross-sector collaborations and partnerships.

Following the welcoming words by Věra Jourová, Vice President of the European Commission and speech by MEP Ramona Strugariu, the ENMF brought together speakers from press, TV, radio, online media for a full day of discussions. You can consult the programme here, read the report here and replay the discussions in the videos below.

Replay the sessions

Session 1: New practices on standards and editorial independence

Transparency, sound journalistic standards and internal safeguards can build audiences’ trust and protect editorial independence. What are the latest practices and what is the industry ready to do?

Session 2: Media viability in the spotlight

To remain relevant and viable, outlets need to be able to innovate and generate sustainable revenues. We will listen to various industry representatives pitching their own innovative approaches to advertising, membership models, AI-driven personalisation and paywalls.

Session 3: Reality check – adapting to audiences’ habits and expectations

The audience is king, and even more so as media outlets rely on users and consumers to stay viable. But what do audiences want, especially young people? And are media delivering? This fish-bowl session was further nurtured by the onsite participants.

Session 4: Collaborating for better outcomes across the sector

Innovation strategies in the media sector require cooperating on technology and pooling resources. How do news media industry actors manage to find common denominators within and beyond the industry, while competing on content? What can other organisations learn from them?

Background information

The Commission is engaging in regular exchanges with the news media industry through the European News Media Forum (ENMF), with aims at working towards an innovative news media agenda which can help the sector thrive in the digital economy and society.

The dialogue kicked off in March 2021 with a first edition on the safety of journalists, followed by a second edition on industrial transformation.

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