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Shaping Europe’s digital future
  • Pubblikazzjoni 21 Settembru 2020

EU grants for small-scale online media: supporting high-quality news products and tackling fake news

The objective of this call is to support the EU strategy to tackle disinformation and complement EDMO’s activities by providing funding to specific research projects on disinformation. Such projects, which include fact-checking and analysis of online propagation patterns, should be carried out by expert teams with a specific knowledge of information and media environments in one or more Member States.

Proposals must ensure the involvement of media organisations, and specific expertise in fact-checking, media literacy, network science, data and computer science. The corrigendum of 09/10/2020 clarifies that proposals must ensure the involvement of small-scale media organisation(s).

The selected projects will focus their journalistic investigations and research activities around emerging digital media vulnerabilities and disinformation campaigns, which are of special relevance within the territory and/or linguistic area in which they will operate.

Deadline for the submission of proposals (last day for posting) is 30 November 2020 15 December 2020 (NEW DEADLINE!!).


We have addedd the Grant Application Form for proposals including affiliated entities (New 02/12/2020).


Please remember that each applicant is required to  send an e-mail before the deadline to inform the Commission about the submission on paper!!

Documents of the Call