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Gestaltung der digitalen Zukunft Europas
Report / Study | Veröffentlichung

Challenges and opportunities for the European animation industry

A new study carried out for the European Commission by the European Audiovisual Observatory finds that while animation films represent 14.7% of overall admissions to European works, European animation only holds 20% of the animation market in Europe. The 44 US films on release indeed accounted for most of the box office for animation that year, whereas Europe leads in terms of the number of productions (107 out of 188 animation films released).

The study Mapping the Animation Industry in Europe points to the fact that among audiovisual programmes, animation is the category with the largest European circulation. Based on data from global, European and national sources, it maps the production and distribution of animation as well as the new challenges and opportunities for this growing European industry. This overview study starts with an examination of animation, production and distribution in the world, in Europe and in individual countries with a double focus on film production and theatrical animation on one hand and TV and VOD production on the other. The second chapter looks at the sector in transition and discusses the challenges that are faced by the European animation industry, the impact of internet on distribution as well as how to enlarge the audience. Other topics dealt with include the role of public funding through direct funding, fiscal incentives and mandatory investments from broadcasters. Finally, the study looks at training and festivals.

This work follows the first study Focus on Animation also carried out by European Audiovisual Observatory, and which outlined the first results of this largest project to map the animation industry in Europe.