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Gestaltung der digitalen Zukunft Europas
Consultation | Veröffentlichung

Public consultation on the role of publishers in the copyright value chain and on the "panorama exception"

The Commission is launching a public consultation on the role of publishers in the copyright value chain and on the 'panorama exception'. It will serve to gather views in particular on the impact that granting an EU neighbouring right to publishers could have on the publishing sector, on citizens and creative industries and as to whether the need (or not) for intervention is different in the press as compared to other publishing sectors. The consultation will also serve to collect input for the Commission's analysis of the current legislative framework of the 'panorama exception'.

Respond to the consultation | Deutsch | Français

Targeted respondents include all stakeholders involved in the publishing sector and the digital economy, in particular:

  • Member states and public authorities
  • Authors (such as writers, journalists, professional photographers, visual artists, architects etc.)
  • Publishers of press and other print content
  • Libraries and cultural heritage institutions
  • Online service providers
  • Owners or managers of works made to be located permanently in public places
  • Academia and researchers
  • Consumers, end-users and citizens

The consultation period runs from 23 March to 15 June 2016.

You can reply in any EU language even though the online questionnaire is only in English, French and German. Persons with disabilities will be able to access the online questionnaire in line with the relevant international standard, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

Only responses received through the online questionnaire will be considered for analysis. Replies received after the closing date will not be considered.

You can pause any time and continue later. You can download your contribution once you have submitted your answers.

In the survey you will be asked whether you are responding as an individual or representing the views of an organisation. We ask responding organisations to register in the Transparency Register.

We publish the submissions of non-registered organisations separately from those of registered ones.

The Commission will publish all contributions to the consultation unless non-publication is specifically requested in the general information section of the questionnaire.

Replies & next steps

A short summary of the consultation results will be published  one month after the consultation closes. We shall issue a report with the qualitative analysis of the contributions in due course.

In case your response includes confidential data please provide a non-confidential version. Please read the Specific Privacy Statement below for information on how we deal with your personal data and contribution.

Protection of personal data
Specific privacy statement  (Deutsch | Français)


For any further information on this consultation, please contact the Copyright unit.

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Synopsis reports and contributions to the public consultation on the role of publishers in the copyright value chain and on the "panorama exception"

Report / Study | 14 September 2016

The public consultation on the role of publishers in the copyright value chain and on the 'panorama exception' was held from 23 March until 15 June 2016. You will find below the responses of individual participants, organisations and other stakeholders who gave their consent to publication as well as two synopsis reports on the results of the public consultation (one focusing on the 'publishers' section and another focusing on the 'panorama exception' section).