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Public Sector Information Group main page

In 2002, the Commission set up an expert group on Public Sector Information (PSI Group) with the aim to exchange good practices and any initiatives supporting public sector information re-use.

The aim of the PSI Group is to

  • Exchange good practices and initiatives supporting public sector information re-use.
  • Discuss and recommend solutions to challenges such as charging, exclusive agreements, development indicators for measuring public sector information and technology.

The PSI Group consists of representatives of all Member States. Private sector organisations and PSI experts are regularly invited to the meeting on an ad-hoc basis.

As a sub-group to the PSI Group, a working group on the pan-European open data portal was created but later on merged into the broader PSI Group.


30th Meeting 

28 May 2020, Agenda - Minutes 


  1. Open Data Directive – transposition issues, by DG CNECT, EC
  2. European Data Portal – development and outlook 2020, by Gianfranco Cecconi, Laura van Knippenberg, EDP
  3. CEF open data call 2020by DG CNECT, EC
  4. CEF Building blocks Big Data Test Infrastructure and Context Broker, by Erbil KOP - OnBoarding Manager BDTI&CB, and Blanca Martinez De Aragon, Caroline Corneau - DIGIT, EC


29th Meeting

29 October 2019, Agenda - Minutes


  1. PSI Group and subgroups: new roles following the establishment of the Open Data Committee by Elisabeth Bertrand, DG CNECT
  2. European Data Portal – new developments in 2019 and first elements of the Maturity Report by Gianfranco Ceccioni, EDP
  3. Czech Republic prior to HVDs by Jakub Malina, CZ Ministry of the Interior
  4. Feedback received from the MS on the HVDs by Michal Kuban, DG CNECT
  5. Basic Data Programme in Denmark by Adam Arndt, DK Agency for Digitisation
  6. Public service of reference data in France by Perica Sucevic, ETALAB


28th Meeting 

14-15 May 2019, Agenda - Minutes 


27th meeting

12-13 December 2018, Agenda - Minutes and Minutes of the GDPR workshop


26th meeting

29 May 2018, Agenda - Minutes

25th meeting

15 November 2017, Agenda - Minutes

24th meeting

20 April 2017, Agenda - Minutes


23rd meeting

5 October 2016, Agenda - Minutes

22nd meeting

4 April 2016, Agenda - Minutes

5 April 2016, Agenda - Minutes


21st meeting

5 November 2015, Agenda - Minutes

6 November 2015, Agenda - Minutes


20th meeting

16 April 2015, Agenda - Minutes

19th meeting

10 September 2014, Agenda - Minutes

 18th meeting 

26 November 2013, Agenda - Minutes

17th meeting  

24 January 2013, Agenda - Minutes

16th meeting 

16 March 2012, Agenda - Minutes

15th meeting

13 September 2011, agenda

14th meeting

27 January 2011, agenda, minutes