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Shaping Europe’s digital future


The European Commission has launched various flagships to address the major science and technology challenges and boost innovation in the EU.

Flagships refer to long-term and large-scale research initiatives, paving the way with an ambitious vision. The EU’s flagships in digital focus on future and emerging technologies and run for around 10 years. They mobilise researchers, academics, industry and national programmes to tackle major challenges in science and technology. The result can bring positive changes that benefit society and the economy, and advance EU leadership in technology and industry. 

Current flagships

Battery 2030+

The Battery 2030+ initiative aims to develop high-performance, safe and sustainable batteries. This would put Europe in the lead of batter development across Europe.

Graphene flagship

The graphene flagship focuses on taking graphene and related two-dimensional materials and applying them in European technology. By finding new uses for these materials, the flagship can help to stimulate economic growth, create new jobs and improve society. 

Human brain project flagship

The human brain project flagship mobilises neuroscientists, computer and robotics experts. It supports our understanding of the human brain. It also improves knowledge about neurological diseases and helps to advance medicine. Since it began 10 years ago, the project has produced impressive results harnessing the power of big data and supercomputing to improve treatment in Alzheimer’s, depression, epilepsy and much more. The project also developed the EBRAINS Research Infrastructure and are now looking to expand this initiative.

Quantum technologies flagship

The quantum technologies flagship aims to accelerate the development and uptake of quantum technologies. It will place Europe in a leadership position for the second quantum revolution. 

Funding and support

Together, these flagships receive over €1 billion  through the EU framework programmes for research and innovation and EU countries. 

EU countries and association countries organise their support through dedicated networks of local funding initiatives:

•    FLAG-ERA: The European Research Area Network Coordinating National and Regional Funding for the Future and Emerging Technology Flagship

•    QUANT-ERA: European Research Area Network (ERA-NET) Cofund Programme in the field of quantum technologies.

As well as these networks, there is a board of funders. This facilitates cooperation between the European Commission, EU countries, and associated countries. 

All news on flagships

Graphene Flagship 10 years assessment
  • Report / Study
  • 19 September 2024

This report gives an overview of the main scientific, technological and industrial achievements of the Graphene Flagship and examines the inherent strengths, challenges and opportunities generated by its implementation, in the context of its evolution, impact, innovation and global standing.

Human Brain Project 10 years assessment
  • Report / Study
  • 19 September 2024

This report focuses on the Human Brain Project’s key scientific achievements, implementation, and governance model by conducting a comprehensive 10-year assessment of the main project’s accomplishments.

  • Event
  • 04 September 2023 - 08 September 2023

The annual Graphene Week events are designed to bring together researchers, industry leaders and policymakers from all over Europe to learn from one another and generate new ideas and possibilities for innovating and collaborating. This year marks the Graphene Flagship’s 10-year anniversary celebration.

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