The WiFi4EU initiative promotes free access to Wi-Fi connectivity for citizens in public spaces including parks, squares, public buildings, libraries, health centres and museums in municipalities throughout Europe.
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When a call is open, the WiFi4EU initiative provides municipalities with the opportunity to apply for vouchers to the value €15,000. The vouchers are used to install Wi-Fi equipment in public spaces that are not already equipped with a free Wi-Fi hotspot.
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Citizens and guests of local municipalities within the European Union benefit from a free Wi-Fi connection in public places thanks to WiFi4EU.
When a call is open, municipalities within the European Union are eligible to apply for a voucher as part of the WiFi4EU initiative. The vouchers, worth €15,000 each, aim to help provide your community with a free public connection.
If you are a Wi-Fi Installation Company, read this page to learn more about WiFi4EU and its technical specifications.