When a call is open, municipalities within the European Union are eligible to apply for a voucher as part of the WiFi4EU initiative. The vouchers, worth €15,000 each, aim to help provide your community with a free public connection.
How it works
The WiFi4EU initiative is open to municipalities or associations formed by municipalities (applying on behalf of one or more of their members). The list of eligible entities is updated by the Member States before each call for applications.
Once a municipality wins a voucher, it is free to install the WiFi4EU hotspots in any public place that can be considered the centre of their community life: town hall, public libraries, health centres, museum, square, park, etc.
The voucher provides a fixed amount of funding per municipality. It funds the equipment and installation costs, while the beneficiary pays for the connectivity and maintenance of the equipment for 3 years. The municipalities that receive a voucher selects the 'centres of public life' where the WiFi4EU hotspots (wireless access points) are installed. They may also use the WiFi4EU voucher to partially fund a project of higher value.
Voucher Assignment
The vouchers are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. In order to ensure a geographical balance, each participating country are entitled to a minimum of 15 vouchers.
How to apply
The WiFi4EU scheme is delivered through simple and non-bureaucratic procedures such as online applications, payments by vouchers and light-touch monitoring requirements. Municipalities wishing to apply for a voucher first register at the WiFi4EU portal. Once registered, the municipalities apply at the time that the call opens by revisiting the portal and sending their application. The voucher winners are selected on a first-come, first-served basis.
The map of WiFi4EU winners
The WiFi4EU initiative is having a concrete impact on municipalities across Europe by promoting free access to Wi-Fi connectivity for citizens in public spaces. Check out the country maps (.pdf) to discover where you may be able to connect to the free and public WiFi4EU network!
Austria | Belgium | Bulgaria | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece |
Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta |
Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovakia | Slovenia | United Kingdom
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