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Shaping Europe’s digital future
Report / Study | Pubblikazzjoni

Monitoring of Digital Rights and Principles – Support study 2024

This study commissioned by the European Commission examines how Member States have so far followed up on the European Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles.

Monitoring of Digital Rights and Principles – Support study 2024

Its findings feed into this year’s Commission monitoring (PDF) of the application of digital rights and principles across the EU.

The European Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles shows the type of digital transformation that the EU wants. Besides digital rights and principles, it includes commitments for the EU and Member States to act in order to promote a digital transformation where people are at the centre. The Commission has committed to monitor the application of digital rights and principles across the EU and publishes its annual monitoring report  together with the State of the Digital Decade Report.

The study provides an overview of the progress made towards implementing the Declaration’s commitments in all EU Member States. It identifies gaps in implementation and provides recommendations that could enhance the implementation of the Declaration in the Member States.

The study identifies many national initiatives relevant to the Declaration, notably on digital education and skills, digitalising public services, and protecting children and young people in the digital environment. Gaps however remain in areas such as promoting sustainable technologies or ensuring a fair digital environment. The study suggests that more action should be taken to boost the profile of the Declaration and ensure the implementation of digital rights and principles at national level. 


1- Report: Monitoring of the Implementation of the Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles
2- Annex V - country summaries - to the report Monitoring of the Implementation of the Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles

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