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Shaping Europe’s digital future
  • Pubblikazzjoni 21 Awwissu 2020

5G and Healthcare | CONNECT University

5G is expected to have a positive impact on healthcare industry, boosting innovation for better diagnoses and treatments and enabling major advances for numerous healthcare use cases.


5G and Healthcare visual

Easing the transfer for large MRI files, improving the remote patient monitoring and virtual care, using augmented reality in medical education and training, are only few key advantages. Watch the recording of this CONNECT University session and discover how 5G could help hospitals and health systems do better.


  • Cyril Krykwinski, Project Officer, DG CONNECT E1 Future Connectivity Systems

Title of the presentation: “EU policy context”

Cyril joined the European Commission in 2016 as Project Officer in the Future Connectivity Systems Unit, in DG CNECT. For the previous ten years, he has acquired a significant biomedical engineering expertise working within hospitals, universities and companies active in the eHealth R&D domain, to design and develop solutions for clinical decision support systems and medical devices. Cyril holds an MSc in Electrical Engineering from the Grenoble Institute of Technology.

  • Thomas Neumuth, Speaker of 5G Health Association

Title of the presentation: “5G applications in healthcare: an overview”

Thomas Neumuth is medical engineer and computer scientist. He is speaker of the 5G Health association ( and CTO of the ICCAS research center at the Medical Faculty of the Universität Leipzig, Germany ( He is heading several research groups working on biomedical data communication and integration as well as biomedical systems interoperability and is also member of the European Expert Panel for Medical Devices and InVitro-Diganostics of DG SANTE.

  • Donal Morris, Founder and CEO at RedZinc

Title of the presentation: “5G wearable video for paramedics in the 5G-HEART project”

Donal is the founder and CEO of RedZinc. He has extensive experience in developing end-to-end quality of service, prioritisation, service ordering and billing, internet protocol and broadband charging systems using packet network and other telecommunication technologies. He has raised finance for research consortia to develop internet technologies including quality of service, prioritisation and video streaming data applications over the internet. He has worked with multi-disciplinary teams from organisations across Europe in various EU project in the area of the future internet and 5G, including EuQoS, LiveCity, CityFlow, Q4HEALTH, 5GEx, TRIANGLE, SLICENET and 5GHEARTand leveraged this research to bring innovative products in telemedicine and real time video to the healthcare and other markets. Donal holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electronic Engineering from Dublin City University.

  • Fons de Lange, Software Architect at Philips Applied Technologies

Title of the presentation: “Practical 5G Healthcare use cases in the 5G-TOURS project”

Dr Fons de Lange is an embedded system architect at Philips since 1991. He has worked on a variety of HW/SW systems, including their requirements specification, architecture and realization. Examples of such systems are high throughput digital video processors, digital TV set top boxes, medical imaging workstations, clinical decision support systems, universal communications enabled healthcare systems, real-time streaming of ultrasound image data over IP networks and 5G for connected care applications. He holds multiple US patent applications on these topics, as well as numerous publications. Dr. Fons de Lange has an MSc in Electrical Engineering, in particular on Computer Aided IC Design, as well as a PhD in computer science on design methods for parallel processors, both from Delft University of Technology.


1 October, 10:00 until 12:00

Background information

This session is part of the CONNECT University Autumn School on Digital Health open for everyone. Check the full programme.

The CONNECT University is an initiative of the European Commission’s Directorate General on Communication Networks, Content and Technologies (DG CONNECT) which aims to inform about the latest digital trends and challenges which are highly linked with EU's relevant policies and serve as a platform for sharing knowledge through thematic discussions, workshops and seminars.