European Commission
All reports download as pdfs. For the country reporting, they are available in English and in the country's official language(s).
Digital Economy and Society Index 2021 - Key Findings
- DESI - Full Economical Analysis 2021
- DESI - Human Capital 2021
- DESI - Digital infrastructures 2021
- DESI - Integration of Digital Technology 2021
- DESI - Digital Public Services 2021
- DESI - The EU ICT Sector and its R&D Performance 2021
- DESI - Research and Innovation: ICT projects in Horizon 2020
Digital Economy and Society Index 2021 - Country Reporting
See country-by-country reporting on how each Member State fares in the Digital Economy and Society Index - DESI in 2021.
- Austria
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (DE) - Belgium
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (FR) / DESI country profile (NL) - Bulgaria
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (BG) - Croatia
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (HR) - Cyprus
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (EL) - Czechia
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (CS) - Denmark
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (DA) - Estonia
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (ET) - Finland
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (FI) - France
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (FR) - Germany
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (DE) - Greece
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (EL) - Hungary
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (HU) - Ireland
DESI country profile (EN) - Italy
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (IT) - Latvia
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (LV) - Lithuania
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (LT) - Luxembourg
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (FR) - Malta
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (MT) - Netherlands
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (NL) - Poland
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (PL) - Portugal
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (PT) - Romania
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (RO) - Slovakia
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (SK) - Slovenia
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (SL) - Spain
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (ES) - Sweden
DESI country profile (EN) / DESI country profile (SV) - Norway
DESI country profile (EN)
The DESI 2021 reports are based mainly on 2020 data. The DESI was re-calculated for previous years to reflect the changes in the choice of indicators distributed among 4 dimensions of DESI (new DESI structure), corrections made to the underlying data, and alongside with the recalculation of the EU average (removal of the UK). The scores and rankings may thus have changed compared with previous editions.