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Recommendation on online piracy of sports and other live events: the Commission services publish Key Performance Indicators

As a follow-up to the adoption of the Recommendation on online piracy of sports and other live events, the Commission services have published Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to monitor and assess its effects.

The KPIs cover the volume of unauthorised retransmission of sports and other live events in Member States, the prompt treatment of notices concerning these events, the cooperation between the relevant market players, the use of dynamic injunctions, as well as the availability and awareness raising of the legal offer.

The KPIs have been defined with the support of the European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights hosted by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (‘EUIPO Observatory’).

The holders of rights, providers of intermediary services, and public authorities were consulted in the preparation of the KPIs. In particular, the stakeholders were invited to provide their feedback through three expert online workshops organised in June 2023 by the EUIPO Observatory.

 Next steps

The stakeholders will be invited to submit the relevant data on the different KPIs at regular intervals. The EUIPO Observatory will prepare a template to facilitate the data collection.

On the basis of the monitoring exercise, the Commission will assess the effects of the Recommendation on unauthorised retransmissions of live sports and other live events by 17 November 2025.


 Recommendation on combating online piracy of sports and other live events



