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State-of-play of the transposition of the NIS Directive

The Commission, together with European Union Agency for Network and Information Security, works closely with the Member States to ensure the NIS Directive's transposition into national legislation.

The content represents a state of play based on information provided by Member States, and is without prejudice to the formal assessment of the compliance of transposition measures with the requirements of the NIS Directive.

Flag of Austria Austria

Flag of Italy Italy
Flag of Belgium Belgium Flag of Latvia Latvia
Flag of Bulgaria Bulgaria Flag of Lithuania Lithuania
Flag of Croatia Croatia Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg
Flag of Cyprus Cyprus Flag of Malta Malta
Flag of the Czech Republic Czech Republic Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands
Flag of Denmark Denmark Flag of Poland Poland
Flag of Estonia Estonia Flag of Portugal Portugal
Flag of Finland Finland Flag of Romania Romania
Flag of France France Flag of Slovakia Slovakia
Flag of Germany Germany Flag of Slovenia Slovenia
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Flag of Hungary Hungary Flag of Sweden Sweden
Flag of Ireland Ireland  

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Directive on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union (NIS2 Directive)

The NIS2 Directive is the EU-wide legislation on cybersecurity. It provides legal measures to boost the overall level of cybersecurity in the EU.

See Also

NIS Cooperation Group

The Network and Information Systems Cooperation Group was established by the NIS Directive to ensure cooperation and information exchange among Member States.