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Kształtowanie cyfrowej przyszłości Europy
  • Publikacja 15 maj 2019

WiFi4EU: Commission unveils final results of the second call for applications

The European Commission announced the results of the second WiFi4EU call for proposals, which ran from 4 to 5 April. 3,400 municipalities will receive vouchers each worth €15,000 to cover the cost of installing Wi-Fi hotspots in public spaces, including town halls, public libraries, museums, public parks or squares. The total budget for this call was €51 million and applications came from all the countries taking part in the programme, namely EU Member States, Iceland and Norway.

graphic showing a stamp with text #WiFi4EU and a map of Europe dotted with Wifi signs

European Commission

WiFi4EU results of the second call

Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Mariya Gabriel welcomed the announcement: 

We are pleased to see that the response from municipalities to this second call has been overwhelmingly positive with more than 10,000 applications. We will continue connecting Europeans, enabling them to enjoy the benefits of the Digital Single Market.”

Altogether, nearly 9,000 vouchers will be available in the WiFi4EU calls. Two more calls will be organised by the end of 2020, including one later this year. The WiFi4EU initiative is part of the ambitious overhaul of EU telecoms rules, including new measures to meet Europeans' growing connectivity needs and boost Europe's competitiveness. Under the first call launched in 2018, 2,800 municipalities were selected to receive a WiFi4EU voucher worth €15,000.

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