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Kształtowanie cyfrowej przyszłości Europy
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European Data Forum 2014

The European Data Forum (EDF) is the annual meeting-point for data practitioners from industry, research, the public-sector and the community, to discuss the opportunities and challenges of the emerging Big Data economy in Europe.

The 2014 edition of the European Data Forum (EDF2014) is taking place on 19-20 March 2014 in Athens, Greece.

To follow the Forum via internet click here (live video stream)

We have prepared an interesting programme featuring Commission Vice-President Kroes and distinguished Greek government speakers.

Click here to read the press release with Neelie KROES (Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda) addressing the audience of the EDF 2014.

Thematic sessions will include talks on:

  • Big Data best practice
  • Open data strategies and use cases
  • Data & language technologies
  • Business models around data
  • strategic research & innovation choices
  • EU funding under the H2020 programme

Registration for the EDF2014 is closed. A very limited number of seats is still available: for more information click here.

The (EDF2014) is a free community event - there is no admission fee for participants.

Call for Exhibits (CfE) still open until 14th of February 2014 - more information click here.